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Showing posts from February, 2017

How to grow a youtube channel in a short time

Youtube is one of the largest websites in internet. There’s billon of video of million of channels. So it is not so easy to grow up your single channel overnight. But in this video you are watching some simple tips to grow it up with in 1 week. In this video you are gonna learn how to show your video top at search and also learn what kind of content you should made. To show your video  top search you should make your video not less then 5 minutes and try to make as longer as possible because it will increase your watch time which is very much important to show your video at top. You should add a good and attractive title so that viewers click on your video. To increase your videos you must share your video on social sites like facebook , twittler, reddit etc. is a powerful social network which can make you famous overnight  but you have to work hard. The most important think is which kind of content you should made. Go to